Online Addiction Recovery


An ecstatic, soul-centred approach to addiction recovery


INHABIT is a soulful, shameless, ecstatic approach to addiction that celebrates the initiatory journey of addiction and aims to lovingly support those who find themselves at that precipice.

Have you ever experienced the transformative power of group? The INHABIT group journey is a space where shared experience becomes a catalyst for personal and collective growth. There is a profound strength in gathering and witnessing one another’s rawness. Together, we break down the illusion of isolation and claim our belonging; we create a community of trust, acceptance, and shared purpose, where each individual is empowered to step beyond old patterns and into the bigger story. Our shared experiences and purpose enrich and elevate each individual, helping us see that true healing is a collective act — and we were never alone, never disconnected from the whole.

If you’re stuck in habit, and feel it’s time to inhabit your life, feel free to apply, or to get in touch.



INHABIT is pro self-destruction.

Yes. You read right. In order for us to evolve as individuals and as a species — for the sake of our planet — we must let go of our illusions of separation.

In the INHABIT group journey, connection is at the core — connection to self, to others, and to something greater. The six-week journey aims to be a transformative process of self-initiation and reconnection. We move gently and purposefully — exploring the roots of addiction and uncovering our unmet needs, with an awareness of the traumas that may underly our behaviours. Through rituals, embodiment practices, and moments of shared reflection, participants reconnect with their own essence, reclaim their voice and power, and develop an ability to listen to their body wisdom. By the end of the journey, we hope that we emerge as a group in soul — fully inhabiting our lives, our relationships, our bodies, and our missions.

The dates for winter/spring 2025 INHABIT journeys are as follows:

  • Group 1: Jan 14th, 21st, 28th, Feb 4th, Feb 11th, Feb 18th.
  • Group 2: March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, April 1st, 8th.

Calls will be 90mins long, held at 7pm Ireland time. Cost is €295 for the 6-weeks, and scholarship places are available upon request.

Applications are now open — please fill out the form if you’re interested, or get in touch for more information or to have a call.


Whether you are struggling with substance use or behavioural addictions, the group journey is designed to meet you where you’re at.

We welcome anyone, whether they are dealing with:

  • Alcohol dependence
  • Drug addiction (prescription or non-prescription, including opioids, stimulants, or cannabis)
  • Gambling addiction
  • Compulsive overeating or food addiction
  • Eating disorders or disordered eating
  • Sexual compulsivity or pornography addiction
  • Shopping or spending addiction
  • Internet or gaming addiction
  • Social media addiction
  • Other

This trauma-informed journey is for you if you’ve reached a point where you want to break the cycles that have kept you stuck, and use this energy of self-destruction to cultivate a more vibrant, fulfilling life. If you’d like to have a chat with us before you sign up, feel free to book a call. If you’d prefer 1:1 support, please check out our individual offerings.


We at Anam Therapy believe that addiction recovery can be a vibrant, celebratory journey into soulful living. We honour the courage it takes to precipitate your own crisis, and are here to help you turn that crisis into creativity.

We were never meant to figure this out alone.